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Welcome to Your First Visit!

We understand that taking the initial step towards making a positive change, whether it's in your emotional or physical well-being, can be daunting. Regardless of which practitioner you plan to see at Omaha Wellness Collective, rest assured that we are here to provide you with unwavering support. 


Preparing for Your First Visit:


Understanding Your Coverage

One of your first questions may revolve around insurance coverage. Since coverage and costs can vary significantly among providers and plans, we may not always provide a definitive answer. To ascertain what is covered and what your expenses will be, we recommend reaching out directly to your insurance company. Utilize our Benefits Verification Form, a step-by-step guide designed to assist you in posing the right questions and gathering essential information.


Completing Paperwork and Arrival

To ensure that your initial visit is both enriching and effective, we recommend taking the following steps in preparation:


  • Complete the necessary information and paperwork on our patient portal, as this assists our practitioners in preparing for your session.


  • Collect any relevant medical records pertaining to your previous care and have them faxed to us at 402-282-4693. We understand that online completion may not be feasible for everyone. If you cannot complete the information via the Patient Portal, please understand that the paperwork will have to be completed during session time. 


You are the foremost authority on your own well-being. While we take pride in our experienced and gifted practitioners, you possess a deep understanding of yourself. When developing a treatment plan, it's crucial that you openly communicate with your practitioner about your readiness to commit. If you have a strong intuition about something, please share it with us—often, your instincts provide vital insights.


Empower Yourself

The landscape of healthcare in the United States is evolving rapidly, and we may not always have access to your specific insurance information. Therefore, take the initiative to explore your insurance coverage, costs, and other important details. Don't hesitate to ask questions and voice your concerns.


Minimize Financial Stress

We recognize that financial stress can be counterproductive to the progress you and your practitioner(s) are making at Omaha Wellness Collective. Just as we prioritize your overall health, we also emphasize financial well-being. We kindly request that you make payments at the time of service. If this poses a challenge, discuss it with your practitioner to create a customized payment plan that suits your needs.


Practice Mindfulness

At Omaha Wellness Collective, mindfulness is not just a practice for physical and emotional well-being; it's a fundamental part of how we operate. This means we are fully present in each interaction. Occasionally, unforeseen circumstances may cause minor delays. We ask for your patience and understanding, as one day, it might be you who requires a few extra minutes.

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